

Since 1900, AACP’s member-directed programming provides pharmacy educators with opportunities to network with peers at our annual, interim and other meetings for the purposes of enrichment, professional growth and development.

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Annual Meeting

Pharmacy Education 2025

Chicago, Ill. - July 19-22

Connect and collaborate with colleagues from across the country at the premier pharmacy education event of the year.

Future Meetings:

  • 2026: Grapevine, Tex. - July 18–21
  • 2027: Toronto, Ont.; Canada - July 10-July 13

INterim Meeting

INitiate 2025

Houston, Tx. - February 15-18

Insightful speakers, dynamic microsessions and enlightening peer discussions will invigorate current and future leaders during three days of collaboration and hands-on learning. Attendees will return to their schools with new strategies to lead and manage change.

Future Meetings:

  • 2026: San Juan, P.R. - February 14–17
  • 2027: TBD
  • 2028: San Juan, P.R. - February 12-15

Professional Development

There are several professional development events that AACP offers to members throughout the year.  They occur in a variety of formats such as in-person or virtual and are in institute or workshop formats.

And check back for more!


AACP hosts informative and educational webinars presented by members of our Sections and Special Interest Groups throughout the year.

Past webinars are available on AACP Connect. You must be logged into AACP Connect to see the listings.

AACP also offers a Continuing Education (CE) Webinar Series to assist faculty members in ensuring that pharmacy school graduates are prepared for the needs of patients and their caregivers in the current and future healthcare landscape. Previously recorded CE webinars are available to earn CPE Credit.


September 5, 2024

Hosted by the Student Services SIG.

Join us for a one-hour webinar featuring three initiatives designed to foster different aspects of success across the student life cycle. Topics include integration of learning sciences instruction into a

September 13, 2024

Hosted by the Laboratory Instructors SIG.

The Laboratory Instructors SIG is pleased to showcase the LITE award finalists in this webinar. Our winner will discuss the platform that was developed by Virginia Commonwealth

October 1, 2024

Hosted by the Pharmacy Practice Section.

This presentation will focus on the challenges faced by pharmacy practice faculty in balancing personal and professional responsibilities. Different perspectives from faculty members and

October 2, 2024 -

The Student Success Institute: Advancing a Culture Where Everyone Can Thrive, will discuss solutions towards fostering and advancing a culture that promotes student success. Student success is a collective effort of faculty, staff

October 16, 2024

Hosted by the Pharmaceutics Section.

The presentation will highlight various pharmaceutical calculations specific bridging program initiatives implemented at different educational institutions. It will emphasize on identifying the need of

October 17, 2024

Hosted by the AACP

During this webinar, attendees will gain knowledge on the basics of medical billing, and understand the importance of medical billing competencies in the curriculum. This webinar is a required pre-requisite for the virtual

November 7, 2024

Hosted by the Pharmaceutics Section.

Pharmacy faculty are required to engage in scholarly activities and secure external funding for career advancement. However, many teaching-focused institutions lack adequate support for grant writing

November 13, 2024
Innovative Active Learning Strategies in Self-Care Therapeutics

Hosted by the Self-Care Therapeutics/Nonprescription Medicine SIG.

Self-care therapeutics courses encompass a wide array of topics, disease states, and therapeutic options, which

November 14, 2024 -

The How to Teach Medical Billing Basics: A Hands-On Workshop will prepare pharmacy educators to teach the basics of medical billing to pharmacy students as part of the PharmD curriculum. This program is intended for any pharmacy faculty