AACP and the ACT Pharmacy Collaborative Announces Community Pharmacy Practice Transformation Educators’ Badge Participants

The ACT Collaborative and the AACP Transformation Center have selected 73 educators to participate in the Community Pharmacy Practice Transformation Educators’ Badge Program to gain credibility amongst other community-based pharmacy educators and practitioners.

AACP Announces Inaugural Cohort of Community Pharmacy Student Scholar Leaders

The ACT Collaborative and the AACP Transformation Center have selected 66 students for the inaugural cohort of the Community Pharmacy Student Scholar Leaders Program, recognizing their dedication to community-based pharmacy practice. 

Election Winners

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AACP Joins Statement Fighting Fake Online Medicines

AACP joined the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy and four other national pharmacy organizations to release a statement, "Fighting Fake Medicines Sold Online Requires Commitment to Cautioning Patients." 

American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Announces Two New Editorial Board Members

AJPE has announced Daniel R. Kennedy, Ph.D., and Susan E. Smith, Pharm.D., BCCCP, FCCM, as two new members of its editorial board.

Data Collection Activity Request Form

AACP Research

In an effort to improve the value to AACP members of data collection and survey activities being conducted using AACP resources (including faculty lists, staff time, or member platforms), AACP has launched this Data Collection Activities Request Form. Requests will be reviewed by the AACP Survey and Ad Hoc Data Request Committee, which will evaluate requests based on their alignment with the AACP strategic plan, value of the data collected to AACP members, burden imposed by the request and validity of the collection instrument. The intent is to increase the value and utility of survey results while minimizing the burden of surveys on AACP members. All requests to use AACP resources for data collection must be submitted through this form, including activities being conducted as part of an AACP affiliation (e.g., Standing Committee, Section Task force, etc.,.) The form must be submitted and approved before initiation of data collection.

The committee will meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month. To be reviewed at a monthly meeting, a data request must be submitted no later than the Monday preceding the meeting. Decisions on data collection requests will be returned to submitters within 5 business days. The committee is comprised of AACP staff members with responsibility related to research, institutional research and effectiveness, membership and educational programming and the Chair of the AACP Institutional Research Advisory Committee (IRAC) (ex officio.) Committee deliberations are confidential. 

AACP Committees

AACP Committees are organized into the following categories. Participating in an AACP committee is an opportunity for members to share their expertise, connect with fellow members, and collaborate with colleagues on programs and initiatives aimed at advancing the Association's mission and strategic priorities.


INtegrate 2024 - Sponsors

Gold Sponsor

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Walgreens is proud to be a neighborhood health destination serving nearly 10 million customers each day. Walgreens pharmacists play a critical role in the U.S. healthcare system by providing a wide range of pharmacy and healthcare services, including those that drive equitable access to care for the nation’s underserved populations.